Pool Aid

Swimming pool

Pool Landscaping Made Easy

Beautiful landscaping around your pool adds to that vacation feeling, making everyone’s experience that much better. Perhaps you have put off landscaping because you fear the expense. However, there are many landscaping ideas that are so simple you can do it yourself. Let us explore a few of those ideas.

String lights are a simple way to bring a vibrant personality to your pool. String them up on your patio for an attractive sitting area. How about wrapping a few trees around your pool with lights for ambiance? Lights create warmth and interest to any area.

A river rock garden would add a simple elegance to your pool area. Depending on your set up, you could border your pool area with a rock garden or create an area on one side. A few simple, low maintenance plants strategically placed in the rock garden would add a beautiful contrast.

Plants are an important part of creating a poolside retreat. If you don’t want to dig into the ground, you can arrange collages of potted plants around your pool. Be sure to get a variety of plants, both big and small, luscious and colorful. If you do want to dig in the ground, create spots of interest with full, tropical style plants like banana trees, elephant ears and calla lilies. Define these areas with a border and some mulch.

Enhance the nighttime mood by installing fire pots with glass fire beads. The beads reflect the fire light beautifully. Natural light creates a relaxing peaceful mood that will make your backyard pool feel like an oasis.

A beautifully landscaped pool doesn’t have to be complicated. Some of these ideas are hopefully within your reach. These are just a few simple, high impact ideas that will enhance the beauty and feel of your backyard pool.


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